Making the most of your X-ray diffraction measurements: Introducing the Anton Paar XRDynamic 500 (located in the NE-MRC in SME B004) and its SAXS and non-ambient capabilities

UCSD NanoEngineering/Chemical Engineering




Monday, February 27, 2023

Seminar Presentation: 2:00pm – 3:00pm (SME 248)

Hands-On Workshop: 3:00pm - 5:00pm (NE-MRC Facility, SME B004)



“Making the most of your X-ray diffraction measurements:
Introducing the Anton Paar XRDynamic 500 (located in the NE-MRC
in SME B004) and its SAXS and non-ambient capabilities”


Andrew Jones, PhD

Global Product Manager XRD

Anton Paar GmbH



Seminar Date