Alumni Spotlight - Jinxing Li, PhD

Jinxing Li, PHDJinxing Li received his master's degree in electrical engineering at Fudan University before joining UC San Diego Nanoengineering in 2012.  He obtained a PhD of NanoEngineering in June 2017 under the supervision of NanoEngineering Chair and Professor Joseph Wang, and was co-advised by Professor Liangfang Zhang.  During his PhD study in the Wang lab, Li was focusing on developing novel micro- and nanorobotic devices to advance biomedicine and nanoscience through close collaborations with medical researchers and chemists.  Li is a recipient of the Siebel Scholar in Bioengineering, the Dan David Prize Scholarship, and MRS Graduate Student Award.  After 10 weeks visiting Bell Labs, he joined Professor Zhenan Bao's lab at Stanford University as a postdoctoral scholar in September of 2017.  He is currently developing integrated medical implants for neuromodulation and brain research.  With his solid PhD training from UC San Diego NanoEngineering, Li plans to continue developing robust and smart tools that can be deployed to address health issues.