Seminar by Wendy Coulson

Innovation Maps for Process Design: A Continuous Glucose Sensor Case Study

Wendy Coulson, Ph.D.
The process engineer is typically tasked with inventing, improving, fixing, or cost-reducing a given process. Whether fixing a broken process where a product line is shut down or inventing a process that enables new products, timely resolution of the task is essential. The innovation map is a tool to enable strategic planning and effective communication while solving the problem at hand. The development of innovation maps will be explored through the practical application of a minimally-invasive continuous glucose sensor.
Dr. Wendy Coulson earned her B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, San Diego. As an Electrochemical Engineering Consultant she specializes in the fabrication and development of electrochemical systems.  In addition to her area of expertise, Dr. Coulson  regularly contributes to the research and development of new technology leading into manufacturing and technology transfer. These non-traditional chemical engineering projects have spanned the medical, energy and semiconductor sectors in both regulated and unregulated environments.

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