NANO 200

Be sure to enroll for seminar courses each quarter (NANO 200 or CENG 205), and attend at least 3 seminars per quarter. These seminars are intended to enrich the graduate student experience, by providing exposure to research and methodologies, in the fields of Nano and Chemical Engineering.

Enrollment for the seminar course every quarteris a requirement for the NanoEngineering and Chemical Engineering graduate programs. Grading option is S/U, and seminar units do not count for units required for the degree.

Seminars that will be counted for the course are:

  • NanoEngineering and Chemical Engineering seminars hosted by the department.
  • UCSD seminars from other Engineering departments (bioengineering, electrical and computer engineering, materials science, mae), basic sciences (biology, chemistry, physics), and mathematics, that are related to Nano/Chemical Engineering research.
  • PhD defenses of Nano and Chemical engineering graduate students.
  • PhD defenses chaired by Nano and Chemical engineering faculty.

Email announcements will be sent for upcoming seminars, and are posted on the seminar web page.

Students are encouraged to attend as many seminars as possible. However, seminars that don't fall within the list above, or that are outside of UCSD, or are conferences (sessions), will not be considered for seminar attendance.

Track your seminar attendance details, and AFTER you've attended three seminars for the quarter, submit the information requested to the appropriate attendance form link below, including 1-2 key takeaways from each seminar, NO LATER THAN THE 10th WEEK of the quarter. If thereNano 200 / Ceng 205 seminars scheduled during finals week, and you plan to attend, submit your form listing the future seminars by the 10th week of the quarter.


Fall Attendance Form Due by Friday, 12/8/23

Winter Attendance Form  Due by Friday, 3/15/24

Spring Attendance Form  Due by Friday, 6/7/24

Send seminar requirement questions or suggestions Send questions about specific seminar details to the email in the seminar announcement.